Week 19: Pink is the Enemy

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m not a pink sort of girl. I never have been. And there are certainly other women (particularly other moms-to-be) that are like me. But for some reason, it’s nearly impossible to find nursery stuff for a girl in any other color. Even the stuff that calls itself “gender neutral” leans more towards the masculine end of the spectrum. And why is everything paired with brown? I can’t think of a color I’d like to see my kid in less than brown. Perhaps that’s to hide sloppy diaper changes? Ew.

Needless to say, the search for nursery decor has been challenging. And to make things more difficult, I can’t buy anything (or at least have it delivered to our apartment) until Babaganoush makes her great escape. (Sometimes I picture it as that jailbreak scene from Raising Arizona. You know, with John Goodman bursting out of the muddy ground outside the prison gates, screaming.) It’s a Jewish superstition (the not-having-stuff-in-the-house thing, not the envisioning-the-mud-scene thing). The idea behind it makes sense; a sort of “don’t count your chickens before they hatch” mentality. We “chosen people” can really be downers though, can’t we?

Also, if any crib designers are listening, please design a crib that isn’t hideous/cheap-looking that costs less than $700. If you do, I will buy it. A wooden cage… um… I mean crib really shouldn’t cost more than the bed Dan and I sleep on. Unless maybe it changes the kid’s diapers. Designers?

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